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News 2014

August 18th, 2014
The DeCLARA Bulletin N°39 is now online and it features the article “ELCIRA in TICAL2014”

The DeCLARA Bulletin N°39 is now online and it features the article “ELCIRA in TICAL2014”In this opportunity the Bulletin is dedicated to TICAL2014 Conference held on May 26 to 28, 2014 in Cancun Mexico with the experiences of the participants, authors, sponsors, speakers and young entrepreneurs.

By: Tania Altamirano L.

The introduction of the article asserts: “Once more the e-Infrastructure for Collaborative Research Activities between Europe and Latin America Project (ELCIRA) had an outstanding participation in TICAL Conference. An information booth in the exhibition area, the signing of an agreement for the creation of the Latin American Federation of eduroam and a workshop on Identity Management were the activities carried out within the framework of the fourth edition of this Conference”.

Download DeCLARA Nº39 and read the full article here




The ELCIRA project is funded by the EC FP7 - e-Infrastructures Programme DANTERENATARNPGARRRedIRISTERENARedCLARAEC - FP7 Programme - e-Infrastructures